Powerpuff Girls x Dunk SB Low Bubbles Women's The iconic animated franchise, The Galactic Explorers, is set to collaborate with Stellar Kicks, introducing a series that showcases three key characters: Stella (celestial pink), Nova (cosmic blue), and Orion (galactic green). The design is a testament to innovation, with each character's distinctive color taking center stage. Stella, a petite interstellar explorer, is depicted in celestial pink and radiant orange. The heel features an intricate embroidery of her playful eyes and a smiling mouth, adding a whimsical touch to the design. Nova and Orion follow suit, maintaining the thematic color schemes while incorporating bold and imaginative elements. The characters' eyes are prominently displayed on the heel, showcasing the creativity behind this collaborative effort. In addition to the trio's representative colors, the series pays homage to The Galactic Explorers' antagonist, Nebula Nebulon. Each character's footwear embodies a unique texture, with Nova's shoes boasting a dazzling nebula-inspired snakeskin finish complemented by a stellar treatment of cosmic blue on the upper. The vibrant yellow laces and swirling patterns echo the essence of the characters, with Nova's piercing blue eyes embroidered on the heel. A transition from a deep cosmic black trim to the women dunks shoes for cheap midsole completes the celestial look. As part of the Stellar Kicks collaboration with Galactic Explorers, a standout piece is the Stellar Low Pro QS "Nova." The sneakers boast a sturdy construction with obsidian sidewalls and translucent blue rubber outsoles. The textured cosmic blue leather upper is elegantly lined with glossy satin, featuring black piping and a striking yellow Swoosh. The tongue showcases a repeating pattern adorned with The Galactic Explorers logo, while the oversized heel pays homage to Nova's iconic celestial blue eyes, making this collaboration a truly out-of-this-world experience. Powerpuff Girls x Dunk SB Low Bubbles Stype Code : FZ8320 400 Colorway: Blue Chill / Deep Royal Blue / Active Pink Release Date: 12/14/23