Shox Turbo Mans
With regard to Shox Technology, these columnar foam materials with strange appearance have opened the way for the pioneer of the midsole energy feedback system. Without it, the sports shoe market will undoubtedly be another situation.
Shox technology is designed to absorb more ground impact. The idea of making the midsole a resilient support dates back to 1984, when the designer witnessed Harvard's indoor track "tuned" - observing the surface of the runway as if it absorbed the energy generated by the impact from the runner and then.
The energy is fed back to every step of the runner. These six flexible runways increase runners' performance by up to 3% and help them reduce the number of injuries during exercise. After an in-depth study of the ideal state of energy recovery during the run, the runway was built in the early years, and the top of the runway was made of wood and covered with a layer of polyurethane. Cheap Shox Turbo provides too much cushioning to waste energy on the runway, and if the cushioning is insufficient, the leg muscles are too late to release enough energy. Although the runway does not win any competition, it seems that athletes can benefit from it.